Satoshi Tajiri: The Man Who Created Pokémon is a biographical manga about Satoshi Tajiri, the autistic creator of Pokémon, which was initially published in Japan by Shogakukan on May 16, 2018, and later in France in 2019 and Spain in 2020. It was written by Hiroyuki Kikuta and illustrated by Akira Tanaka. It also includes a epilogue by Shigeru Miyamoto. This official Pokémon biography manga is 160 pages long.
Unfortunately, this obscure Japanese Pokémon biography manga about Satoshi Tajiri is currently not officially licensed in English in Western countries, such as the United States.
Discover the secret behind the birth of Pokémon!
The Shogakukan edition of the Leaning Manga Special series features Tajiri Satoshi, the game creator who created Pokémon!
Starting with Pokémon Red and Green, released in 1996, the world of Pokémon has continued to expand with animated TV shows, movies, and even card games, and recently, Pokémon GO has become a worldwide phenomenon. The story of Tajiri Satoshi, who formed the Pokémon world's foundation, is introduced as a learning manga, from his upbringing to the creation of Pokémon.
The book is filled with anecdotes from interactions with friends who were devoted to game development together and anecdotes from the people involved who gave Tajiri the support he needed to create Pokémon. This book is not only for children who aspire to become game creators but also for adults who are Pokémon fans.
At the beginning and end of the book, some articles give an overview of not only the history of Pokémon but also the history of the video game industry.
In addition, a column written by Tajiri called "Do You Know About This?" gives a glimpse into the world of Tajiri's hobbies.
Reference Links:[]
- Bulbapedia:
- Baka-Manga Updates:
- Original Japanese Manga Version on Japanese Amazon: